Please use the link or QR code below:
(Click on the "?" above the image on our Zeffy page or Blog above for our message about this campaign)

Our amazing LTA Coordinator and teacher Ariana Jurisic is put this on with our co-sponsorship.
Fun was had by all viewing glorious art the kids of our community produce!

GATE AUCTION POSTPONED TO 10/14/2023 was a success. Thank you to all the artists and those of you who attended and bid on gates.
Learning Through Art continues quite actively with local artist Ariana Jurisic as our coordinator. Over 700 art pieces were made by Lorna Byrne Middle School Students in October 2023 alone!!!
Watch for an LTA gallery to be created soon here on our website.
On behalf of Illinois River Valley Arts Council’s Volunteer Board and Professional Staff, we thank you for your support of our organization, whose mission is to provide arts education and arts experiences for our valley and visitors.
We thank our Gateway Artists whose time and talents were devoted to creating a unique piece of art in the service of our valley’s school children. As you know, funds raised by our art auction will go toward our “Learning Through Art” program at Evergreen Elementary and Lorna Byrne Middle School.
We also thank the businesses and non-profits who hosted these gates. The Gateway Project page (see link above) will remain up for the time being so you can still look at the wonderful gates and their artists!

The Arts Council Welcomes You
"Art is Life"
The Arts Council serves communities in southern Oregon by promoting art experiences and art education through programs in schools and in local venues. We are volunteers giving our time to many programs, and we rely on the generous donations of community members to help fund programs. We support music by sponsoring concerts, resident artist projects, and supporting Chorale performances in Cave Junction.
We receive grant funding for art education and enrichment programs. We receive grants from Oregon foundations for Learning Through Art in Evergreen Elementary and Lorna Byrne Middle School.
Our many fun projects have included the Gateway Project, Garden Art Project, Poetry Slam, public art projects, classes, and other creative efforts to include the whole community in what we do.

Learning Through Art
A Distinct Identity
Our art charity was formed in 2001 and has been building on its foundation each year to add more art events and programs for our changing community.

Support our community programs!
Making A Difference
Our programs are funded with grants from Oregon foundations, from membership fees, your generous donations, and from local fundraising events. We can't do it without you. Please make a donation to IRVAC this year!
We plan to resume doing all these programs this year, but we need you! We need your participation, donation, and talents to make it all come to life. Contact us to learn how you can help: Judy Hoyle (541) 592-4444, jahls@frontiernet.net, or mail to IRVAC at P.O. Box 522, Cave Junction, OR 97523. Thank you!

With this initiative, our goal is to promote
learning through art, art events, fundraiser dinners, concerts, dances, art walks, and adult art classes. You can be a part of this amazing arts organization!
With access to the arts and taking part in them, people are empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh